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Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting Started

Just getting started!  Six months ago, I was called as the primary chorister for my ward.  I have had this calling before, perhaps 10 years ago when I was a young mom with babies.  I spent my days coloring and laminating things for singing times.  Thankfully, I saved all that stuff.  WHEW, as it has come in so handy now that I am back in the "singing saddle" once again.  Now that I have this gig again, I am realizing how many resources there are out there thanks to the blogs of some seriously talented women.  I thank them as they help me each week to come up with new and creative ways to teach songs...but more importantly, these great ideas have helped me teach kids to love primary (and to sing). 

I am not the blogger type so this will be a work in progress for me but I hope to share some fun things that I am doing with my kids.  I am the JUNIOR chorister (by the way), so many of my ideas are geared towards young children as the eldest kids in my group are 6 year old. I have a lot of non readers and they get antsy singing one song for 20 minutes.  So I like to play games and sing a variety of songs to keep them loving primary!

Here goes...  Brittany H.

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