music background

Friday, July 27, 2012

Fill the Handcart

Well it's time to honor our brave pioneers.  This idea came from my sister, Kirstin (who is so clever).  I copied her poster, which has a slit in that makes a pocket.  The below items are all things one might or MIGHT NOT put in their handcart.  Some of the items have songs on them but some don't.  Some are just to get the kids thinking of whether they'd back this item if they were going to make the trek.  Like would you pack your brass bed?  The heavy chest of jewels?  Granny's antique china hutch?  So...some of them are ridiculous, but some are really important, like food, water, the scriptures, a quilt for warmth, ect.

I put some of the great pioneer songs on the back.  It's fun to sing these songs even if it is just once a year. I always make lyric posters as there is no time to teach 6 rusty songs to the children.  The words really help, even just the teachers, so the kids have something to follow as we sing.

For the Song Pioneer Children Sang As They Walk...I had them stand and walk in place as we sang
Little Pioneer Children...I had the kids sway to this
To Be A Pioneer...they marched in place

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