I love tweaking a song...
I sang this with the kids yesterday and I will do it again on the first Sunday of the new year. I had this ridiculous party hat that I wore, asking them how they were going to celebrate the new year.
To the tune of Happy & You Know It:
Happy, Happy New Year To You
Happy, Happy New Year To You
The year has come to an end
We give thanks to our dear primary friends
So we sing Happy New Year To You
Echo (to you! - giving a sort of a cheer with your hand/arm)
music background
Monday, December 31, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The Best of 2012
So how do we spend the last Sunday of the year? I have been thinking for a few weeks, wondering if we should just continue Christmas stuff since we only get on month a year to do it. But then I thought of having the BEST of 2012. We have learned alot this year and why not celebrate it one last time before we start the new regime of learning all the stuff for 2013. This singing time is simple. I made 6 labels for 6 bags, numbering the bags 1-6. Then I have a dice. They roll the dice and whatever number they roll coordinates with the number on the bags. Inside the bags, there are strips with all the songs we have sung and learned through the year. We will never get through them all as they are like over 50 songs between all the bags, but they should get a taste of what we've sung over the past 365 days.
Here are my categories:
The best of program songs (our ward had 13 program songs)
Sneak Peek of 2013 program songs (there are 13 of these as well)
The best of the 4 seasons (5 little Pumpkins, Have you Ever Seen a Turkey, Pioneers songs, patriotic... anything you we have sung coordinating with a holiday or a season)
Temple Spotlight songs (we did a temple spotlight in opening exercises and learned all the songs in the book having to do with temples - 4 songs)
Fun Songs we have learned (like the Books of the Book of Mormon, latter-day prophets, ect...anything random I threw in the mix over the year for fun)
Article Of Faith Songs- We learned all 13
We will be singing a marathon on Sunday. If they get restless, I have my jar of sticks that spice up how we can sing songs, like HUM, OOO, STAND FACE BACK OF ROOM, ect...!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Primary Props
I always bring things in my 'Mary Poppins' bag (not a lamp post mind you), just in case time lags or singing a song over and over gets tiresome. Here are some simple primary props that you can having in your bag of tricks each week. I made these just using free clip art from the web, printing it out and putting it on construction paper, and taping a dowel/stick to it. They are two sided. You can use just one side or if you want them to be really attentive, you can flip the signs around while you are singing.
1) Front- Stand Up/Back- Sit Down
2) Front- Sing Reverently/Back - mouth words(silent singing)
3) Front- Sing Loud/Back Sing Soft
4) Front- Sing Like Primary Angels/Back- OOOO instead of words
5) Front- Sing Opera Style/Back- Sing with a country twang
The final picture are of 3 sticks I made while we are doing a new song. If they are singing strong, you hold up the strong sign so they know if they are doing well...if they aren't doing so well, hold up the WEAK sign so they are encouraged to sing stronger. The KEEP GOING sign is for when they are singing pretty good but can do better. The goal is to have the STRONG SIGN up through the whole song.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Getting A Clue
So I am really not a techy/computer person. The fact I have a blog at all is kinda a miracle. Anyway, after some serious work, I figured out how to categorized my posts into labels. At the bottom of the page, you can see that all my posts are finally under labels and you can search for ideas now. As a new year approaches, I will be reusing some of my ideas that I have already done this year. Thanks for being patient! I have added several Christmas ideas and now there are all 11 Christmas ideas total. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Christmas Bells Are Ringing
Last week I brought in a strange assortment of instruments, some I have purchased, others came from children's music kits, ect. We sang Christmas Bells Are Ringing...did it about 4 times, changing the bell ringers each time. Kids love to play instruments. It was quite the little band performance!
The Manger
I always wanted a manger and one year my husband made me one. We put it under our tree each year so that the focus isn't just the presents but rather the real gift of Christmas. I saw on sugardoodle and idea with the manger. Putting hay in it as the children sing well, to get it full enough to place the baby Jesus in it. I think this is a sweet idea for the juniors. A week ago we sang Away In A Manger and I let the Sunbeams take turns holding the baby while we sang. So I am going to bring this in and see if we can get the hay to the top so we can place the baby in it. If you don't have a manger, a box or crate would do. Or if you can beg your husband to make you one...!
The Nativity Song
I love the Nativity Song, it really does tell the entire story of Christ's birth. On lds.org, they have the clip art to nativity scene from the 1980 December Friend.
You can print this out, color, laminate it and put it on sticks. I have the lyrics written out as this is a long song (newsprint tablet). As we sing the song, the person holding the particular stick that coordinates with the verse, comes into play until all the characters are together to create the Nativity scene. This could be done with costumes as well, not using the clip art props. This is a way to tell the story through song, getting audience participation.
You can print this out, color, laminate it and put it on sticks. I have the lyrics written out as this is a long song (newsprint tablet). As we sing the song, the person holding the particular stick that coordinates with the verse, comes into play until all the characters are together to create the Nativity scene. This could be done with costumes as well, not using the clip art props. This is a way to tell the story through song, getting audience participation.
The Gift Of Christmas
It is not unusual for me to do several gimmicks in one Sunday, trying to keep it fresh. I don't know if this particular activity would last an entire singing time, but it might be fun to incorporate with another activity or general singing! Use at the end of a singing time.
I had this thought to pass a present around while the pianist plays a Christmas song from the book. When the music stops, the child who has the gift has to name the Christmas tune and say what gift they are grateful for this season. When the time is nigh to quit, the last person the present ends on will get to open the gift. Before he/she does this, I will ask them collectively what the best gift of Christmas is? I am hoping they will know the right answer, which may include:
The baby Jesus
The atonement
The gospel
The Lord
Inside the box will be enough hug/kisses candies for the group. I will explain that the best gift we get is the gift of LOVE, which is our Savior who came a baby in a stall, who did atone and die for sins that we may live again. And what we give to him this season is to show that same love to those around us.
I rarely bring treats to primary but I think the Sunday before Christmas will be an okay Sunday to hand out a small piece of candy to the kids!
I had this thought to pass a present around while the pianist plays a Christmas song from the book. When the music stops, the child who has the gift has to name the Christmas tune and say what gift they are grateful for this season. When the time is nigh to quit, the last person the present ends on will get to open the gift. Before he/she does this, I will ask them collectively what the best gift of Christmas is? I am hoping they will know the right answer, which may include:
The baby Jesus
The atonement
The gospel
The Lord
Inside the box will be enough hug/kisses candies for the group. I will explain that the best gift we get is the gift of LOVE, which is our Savior who came a baby in a stall, who did atone and die for sins that we may live again. And what we give to him this season is to show that same love to those around us.
I rarely bring treats to primary but I think the Sunday before Christmas will be an okay Sunday to hand out a small piece of candy to the kids!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Christmas Singing Cards

I was digging in someone else's blog and came across these. Super cute. There are TEN of them. You can access them on www.oopseydaisy.blogspot.com. I printed and laminated them and will use them to spice up singing this coming month. I love the things I find on other blogs.
Update: I did this last week and it was a big hit. Along with the actions to these cards, I had a prop to go with them so the helper got to lead the actions and wear something!
We sang this to the tune of FUN TO DO
Gingerbread Man- RUNNING AWAY IS FUN TO DO -cookie sheet and wooden spoon (use like a drum)
Candy Cane - TWISTING AROUND IS FUN TO DO - hold a large candy cane (like a yard decoration)
Ornament - no prop - ROLLING OUR HANDS IS FUN TO DO
Tree- SWAYING OUR ARMS IS FUN TO DO hands like tree branches (two short pieces of garland)
Santa - SANTA HAT - LAUGHING LIKE SANTA IS FUN TO DO stick out belly and pretend to laugh, using HO HO HO in song
Angel- FLY/FLOAT ALONG IS FUN TO DO action - crown or wings
Nutcracker- MARCHING ALONG IS FUN TO DO - toy sword
Snowman - MELTING AWAY IS FUN TO DO- hat scarf
Snowflake - TWIRLING AND & SWIRLING IS FUN TO DO with snowflake at the end
reindeer- PRANCING AROUND IS FUN TO DO - antler head band ($Store item)
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The Nativity
Assemble the Nativity... Pretty straight forward. Imagines were just off the net, copied, colored and laminated. I drew the stable scene on white poster board. Again, the pices could be used with hot/cold, or taken out of a present box or whatever. Christmas songs would be on the back.
gingerbread people
So this idea is again from my sister. I copied her original poster. You draw a boy and girl gingerbread person but without a face on white posterboard. Then you can put the eyes, nose and mouth, bow (bow tie or bow in girl's hair). Pick pieces out and assemble, songs are on the back. Fun for juniors!
Symbols Of ChristmasCross Word
So this is a twist on the symbols of Christmas for the older kids. I put the symbols in this crossword. Ask for a helper, they can pick any clue and try to get it. I will have this on an easel with a marker and we will just fill in the blanks and sing songs that coordinate with the answers when they get the answer right. I just did this on newprint and it's a throw away. They seem to like challenges like this.
Let It Snow...
So it's time to bring back SNOWFLAKES FALLING RIGHT UP TO MY KNEE. If you liked 5 Little Pumpkins, you will like this one. Look back into the January posts to get the lyrics. They are cute! I sing this with the kids all through winter.
Snowball fight... This is for the seniors. Hand out half sheets of white paper and and a pencil for each class. Have them write their favorite song. Have them crumple it and on the count of 3 they throw their 'snowball' at you. This gets a little crazy but they like it. I only do this a couple of time and then we move on. But you can pick up as many balls as you want and sing the songs listed.
Snowball fight... This is for the seniors. Hand out half sheets of white paper and and a pencil for each class. Have them write their favorite song. Have them crumple it and on the count of 3 they throw their 'snowball' at you. This gets a little crazy but they like it. I only do this a couple of time and then we move on. But you can pick up as many balls as you want and sing the songs listed.
The Symbols Of Christmas
There are so many ways you can do the symbols of Christmas with singing time. Each year I do this but try to do something different with it. I made my symbols long ago, but I found some no tipjunkie, see link below. There are alot of patterns out there on the net for this if you want to make your own set.
The first is a little tree with the symbols made as ornaments. I just printed these, colored them and laminated them and put a real ornament hook on them. The kids pick an ornament and try to explain what they think the symbol means and then there is a song to go with it.
The second picture: I took the small images and morphed them into bigger images by free handing them on some card stock and laminating them. These have scriptural references...to you read the scripture and see if the kids can match it to the symbol. Once the match is made, you sing the coordinating song.
The Bow: We should all be tied together in the bonds of goodwill. Bows are found on presents that we give to people and remind us to be giving. Romans 12:10 (Love One Another)
The Candle: A mirrors of starlight reflecting our our thanks to the star of Bethlehem. Long ago it was place on tress to symbolize the stars. It can also symbolize Christ, the light of the world. Proverbs 20:27 (Nativity Song)
The Star: God promised us a Savior for the world, Jesus. It was a sign the promised was fulfilled 3 Nephi 1:21 (Stars Were Gleaming)
The Tree: It's evergreen. Reminds us that we will live forever with Jesus. Alma 18:30 (The Nativity Song)
The Candy Cane: Represents the Shepherd's crook. Be our brother's keeper. Also the Red represent the blood of Christ, the white represents the atonement. Isaiah 40:11 (We'll Bring The World His Truth)
The Holly Berry: The blood of Jesus' sacrifice 3 Nephi 18:11 (He Sent His Son)
The Wreath: It's round with not beginning or end, it reminds us of the eternal nature of things and our Savior's never ending love for us. Moroni 8:17 (I Feel My Savior's love)
The Bell: Lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell. It reminds us we are all precious to the Lord and He will guide us home. Moroni 26:21 (song: Christmas Bells Are Ringing)
The symbols could be hidden, hot and cold, put in a bag and picked out or they could even be made into a concentration or jeopardy game. The possibilities are endless!
The first is a little tree with the symbols made as ornaments. I just printed these, colored them and laminated them and put a real ornament hook on them. The kids pick an ornament and try to explain what they think the symbol means and then there is a song to go with it.
The second picture: I took the small images and morphed them into bigger images by free handing them on some card stock and laminating them. These have scriptural references...to you read the scripture and see if the kids can match it to the symbol. Once the match is made, you sing the coordinating song.
The Bow: We should all be tied together in the bonds of goodwill. Bows are found on presents that we give to people and remind us to be giving. Romans 12:10 (Love One Another)
The Candle: A mirrors of starlight reflecting our our thanks to the star of Bethlehem. Long ago it was place on tress to symbolize the stars. It can also symbolize Christ, the light of the world. Proverbs 20:27 (Nativity Song)
The Star: God promised us a Savior for the world, Jesus. It was a sign the promised was fulfilled 3 Nephi 1:21 (Stars Were Gleaming)
The Tree: It's evergreen. Reminds us that we will live forever with Jesus. Alma 18:30 (The Nativity Song)
The Candy Cane: Represents the Shepherd's crook. Be our brother's keeper. Also the Red represent the blood of Christ, the white represents the atonement. Isaiah 40:11 (We'll Bring The World His Truth)
The Holly Berry: The blood of Jesus' sacrifice 3 Nephi 18:11 (He Sent His Son)
The Wreath: It's round with not beginning or end, it reminds us of the eternal nature of things and our Savior's never ending love for us. Moroni 8:17 (I Feel My Savior's love)
The Bell: Lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell. It reminds us we are all precious to the Lord and He will guide us home. Moroni 26:21 (song: Christmas Bells Are Ringing)
The symbols could be hidden, hot and cold, put in a bag and picked out or they could even be made into a concentration or jeopardy game. The possibilities are endless!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Follow The Prophet Goes Christmas Style
Years ago I got new lyrics to the song, Follow The Prophet, for the holiday season. The kids always seem to sing this song with gusto and so I think it's pretty cute.
Verse 1: Jospeh asked the man if he would let them in
But his answer came: NO ROOM AT THE INN
They went to the stables where the cattle lay
The son of God was born in a manger full of hay.
Chorus: Jesus is born, Jesus is born, Jesus is born in Bethlehem
Jesus is born, Jesus is born, Jesus is born, the Savior of men.
Verse 2: Shepherds saw the star and they were 'sore afraid
They wanted to see just where the baby laid
Wise men rode their camels, followed that bright star
carried gifts for Jesus, brought from a far
Sing chorus again.
I always do lyrics on my news print pad as it's hard to teach songs that we only sing for a few weeks and then ditch. So I will provide the words for the kids to read (senior primary only). Part of a singing time would be writing a verse 3. Get the kids input. See if you can continue the story. You could do a verse about the herald angels. Write in primary using the chalk board or a posterboard. newsprint tablet....and then sing it.
This idea belongs to Mindy Smith...whomever she is, she is clever. THANK YOU!
Verse 1: Jospeh asked the man if he would let them in
But his answer came: NO ROOM AT THE INN
They went to the stables where the cattle lay
The son of God was born in a manger full of hay.
Chorus: Jesus is born, Jesus is born, Jesus is born in Bethlehem
Jesus is born, Jesus is born, Jesus is born, the Savior of men.
Verse 2: Shepherds saw the star and they were 'sore afraid
They wanted to see just where the baby laid
Wise men rode their camels, followed that bright star
carried gifts for Jesus, brought from a far
Sing chorus again.
I always do lyrics on my news print pad as it's hard to teach songs that we only sing for a few weeks and then ditch. So I will provide the words for the kids to read (senior primary only). Part of a singing time would be writing a verse 3. Get the kids input. See if you can continue the story. You could do a verse about the herald angels. Write in primary using the chalk board or a posterboard. newsprint tablet....and then sing it.
This idea belongs to Mindy Smith...whomever she is, she is clever. THANK YOU!
Monday, October 29, 2012
2013 Theme, I Am A Child Of God
So I have been mulling over next year's theme for a month now. Nothing has to be decided today but I kinda want to have a game plan. My ward's program went really well this year and I'd like to keep that momentum going. I did some special things with quite a few of the songs for this year's program, making the performances unique. One thing that I did was I found a really cool arrangement for CHOOSE THE RIGHT that involved the congregation. It had really neat accompaniment and a "tag" on the end so the kids sang this little part at the end to finish the song off by themselves. It was nice addition to the program.
Not sure if any of you follow Jenny Phillips but each year, she puts out a CD of the primary songs with arrangements of the songs that are a tad different than what you find in our standard hymn book and primary song book. This year she is collaborating with another musician. This gal is going to have free down loads of all the music for next year...COOL arrangements of every song. I think it will be worth looking at when she posts it. Here is the link: www.kamiebolen.com
Also, not sure if any of you are familiar with the Beebe Sound. He is an LDS composer who specializes in hymn/song arrangements for choir/group singing that include the congregation in the 3rd or last verse. His work is so pretty. He is the one who wrote the arrangement of CHOOSE THE RIGHT that I used this year.
Turns out he has a really neat version of I AM A CHILD OF GOD. It is for SATB but I think the kids could just sing the soprano part and then the congregation could join in for the 3rd verse. It has accompaniment for both piano and organ and there is an optional flute obbligato. Could be pretty. Here is his link: http://www.hymns.com/thebeebesound.aspx
Just some things to think about...
Thanks, Brittany
Not sure if any of you follow Jenny Phillips but each year, she puts out a CD of the primary songs with arrangements of the songs that are a tad different than what you find in our standard hymn book and primary song book. This year she is collaborating with another musician. This gal is going to have free down loads of all the music for next year...COOL arrangements of every song. I think it will be worth looking at when she posts it. Here is the link: www.kamiebolen.com
Also, not sure if any of you are familiar with the Beebe Sound. He is an LDS composer who specializes in hymn/song arrangements for choir/group singing that include the congregation in the 3rd or last verse. His work is so pretty. He is the one who wrote the arrangement of CHOOSE THE RIGHT that I used this year.
Turns out he has a really neat version of I AM A CHILD OF GOD. It is for SATB but I think the kids could just sing the soprano part and then the congregation could join in for the 3rd verse. It has accompaniment for both piano and organ and there is an optional flute obbligato. Could be pretty. Here is his link: http://www.hymns.com/thebeebesound.aspx
Just some things to think about...
Thanks, Brittany
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Turkey Tracks
What day
of the week does Thanksgiving always fall on?
How long
did the first Thanksgiving feast last?
Where did
the first Thanksgiving feast take place?
What was
the ship called that the pilgrims sailed on?
Why did
the pilgrims come to America?
How did
Thanksgiving become an annual holiday?
What is
your favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
are you spending the holidays this year?
What did
the Indians bring to the first Thanksgiving feast?
True Or
We should
only be grateful on Thanksgiving Day?
often should be thank our Heavenly Father for the blessings he gives us?
What is
your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
Name A
Blessing that you have.
Name A
Blessing that you have.
Name A
Blessing that you have.
Name 3
things you usually eat at Thanksgiving?
Name a
blessing you see right now in this room?
there turkey at the first Thanksgiving feast?
this phrase: We thank thee O God for a _______________
Finish this phrase:
Count your many blessings name
Why is
Thanksgiving important to you?
How do
you show gratitude?
How many
Indians came to the first Thanksgiving dinner?
state in the USA was the first to celebrate Thanksgiving annually?
Here are the answers to the questions
Q: What day of the week does Thanksgiving fall on? A: The 4th Thursday of every November
Q: How long did the first feast last? A: THREE days
Q: Where did the first feast take place? A: Plymouth, Massachusetts
Q: What was the ship called that the pilgrims sailed on? A: The Mayflower
Q: Why did the pilgrims come to America? A: To seek religious freedom
Q: How did Thanksgiving become a national holiday? A: President George Washington declared it a national day of thanks but it took years for it to become an annual event across the 50 states, not until President Lincoln, was it celebrated every year by all Americans.
Q: What did the Indians bring to the first Thanksgiving feast? A: DEER
Q: True or False, we should only be thankful on Thanksgiving day. A: FALSE
Q: How often should be be thankful? A: Every day
Q: Finish the phrase...we thank thee o god for a ..... A: PROPHET
Q: Finish the phrase...count your many blessings names them...A: ONE BY ONE
Q: How many Indians came to the first feast? A: 90 and they were of the Wampanoag Tribe
Q: Which state was the first to celebrate the holiday annually? A: New York
Q: Was there turkey at the first Thanksgiving feast? A: Nobody knows for sure but it is said there is no real record of any kind of turkey eaten at the first Thanksgiving dinner.
I can't take credit for this one. My sister did come up this idea. It is a game board free handed on a poster board. You divide the goup in into two and see which team (side) gets to the end first. You roll a dice, just like any old board game. There are squares that have PICK A CARD on it. The cards have questions about Thanksgiving on it. There are also SINGING SQUARES. You could make your own version of this. It could be really simplified drawing wise as well if you are not a drawer. The cards were just printed on orange cardstock.
My Wreath of Plenty
I saw this idea in Family Fun Magazine, too. It's not a singing time, but I can make it one! I just covered a embroidery ring with burlap. Then using push pins, I stuck these leaves (made from construction paper) into the simple wreath. I have noticed that sometimes when you ask kids questions of what their favorite song or thing is, they are at a loss for words. So this is just to help kids think...choose a helper, have them pick a leaf. What are you grateful for? They pick a leaf and explain why they are grateful for what is written on the leaf. The blessing has a song that coordinates.
Temples - I Love To See The Temple
Families - Love Is Spoken Here or Families Can Be Together Forever
Brothers & Sisters - We Are a Happy Family
My Savior - I Feel My Savior's Love
Sun - Sun Beam
Water - Give Said the Little Stream
Dad - Daddy's Homecoming
Mom - I often Go Walking
School - FUN TO DO (Going to school is fun to do)
Sports - FUN TO DO (Playing soccer is fun to do)
FOOD - FUN TO DO (eating pizza is fun to do)
Heavenly Father - I know my father lives
Prayer - I pray in faith
Drum Stick Hide & Seek
So my FAMILY FUN magazine came and this was in it and I just laugh out loud when I saw it. They use it as a game, but it could totally be morphed into a singing time. It's just a brown lunch sack filled with crumpled plastic sacks (or I used shredded paper) and then you squeeze the bottom skinny and wrap and tape it with a white napkin and voila- it looks like a turkey drum stick.
You can use this so many ways...you can pass it around and when the music stops, they have to name a blessing. Or you can do HOT & COLD and hide it. You could use it as a LEADER stick and have the kids beat the pattern of a song with it in hand. Pretty funny...and cute. I had to post it for kicks!
Turkey Dinner
Okay, excuse the horrendous visual of this. Alot of what I have is from years ago which was before things were in LINK or PDF forms. This picture is of the old nursery rhyme song, Frere Jacques or commonly known as ARE YOU SLEEPING. My mother came up with alternate lyrics to this long ago...like when I was a kid which is LONG ago. We sing this every November. It is so silly but really fun. The kids love it. You can see if the net has this song posted somewhere or perhaps from this photo, you can detect the simple accompaniment to this little song. It could be played one handed even and by ear.
Turkey Dinner
Turkey Dinner
Gather 'round
Gather 'round
Who will eat the drum stick
Yummy, yummy yum stick
All sit down, All sit down
Corn bread muffin
Chestnut stuffin'
Pumpkin Pie
One foot high
We were all much thinner
Before we came to dinner
Me-O-My, Me-O-My
There are two verses to this song. You can sing it straight through or you can sing it in a round.
Turkey Bowl
I got this years ago. It is a turkey bowl game. You put the balloon between the pieces. I have 5 of them and set them up in bowling formation and with a ball, the kids try to knock the turkeys down. The feet have pennies taped to the bottom of them to weight them down. It's a cute game and the kids love it. Hopefully this template will work if you click on it and print.
Have You Ever Seen A Turkey
I am going to attempt to post my NOVEMBER ideas. I really think Thanksgiving is such a special holiday but often gets overshadowed by Halloween and Christmas. Now that the program is over (whew), we are just going to have fun in primary. I think I will teach the kids CHILDREN ALL OVER THE WORLD on pg 16. It's not one we ever sing but it's a classic and has a good message.
Also, here's a spin on an oldie but goodie. HERE WE ARE TOGETHER, pg 261. Change the words to HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A TURKEY.
Have you ever seen a turkey, a turkey, a turkey?
Have you ever seen a turkey on Thanksgiving day?
Move this way (move to right) move that way (move to the left)
Have you ever seen a turkey, move this way or that.
I did this last year and put these funny little feather hats on me and my helpers, which I found at JoAnn's Fabric Store but you could make them or perhaps find them there again this year. Often Target has strange things like this in their $1-Spot section. Anyway, we had all the kids stand and sing this song and do their turkey dance. Good times.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Trick Or Treat
Okay, I totally stole these ideas. These were two seperate ideas and I combined them. You could just use one or the other. This game is posted on BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS as a party game. They made their cans out of soup cans. I didn't have a variety of soup cans lying around so I used pails I had and covered them with construction paper and put faces on them. How to play...
So you get a small ball, like a bouncy ball, and line the pails up on the floor at varying lengths, or you could even set some on boxes to elevate them. Pick a helper. The helper gets to choose how difficult he/she wants his/her challenge. It is easier to get the ball in the bigger pails. The smaller the pail/can, the harder it is to make a basket. Whether they get the ball in or not, have them then pick a card out of the pail they were trying for.
I made several cards some saying TRICK and some saying TREAT. The Treat cards are all songs, and I put autumn seasonal songs on the back but you can put whatever songs you want on the back. The Trick cards are silly Halloween riddles. Again, some people might find it's weird to do this at church but I am a firm believer in making singing time fun and so some harmless jokes don't worry me too much. If you don't want to do riddles, you could have the TRICK be like hide the object or make them do something like, stand on one leg and touch your nose, ect.... I totally morphed this orginal idea to suit me and you can do the same. There is one Sunday left to play off of Halloween and so I am going to do this come Sunday. We had a really great program last week and I feel the kids deserve a play day before he start Christmas songs!
What is a skeletone's favorite musical instrument? A: A Trom-BONE!
What does a bird say at Halloween? A: Twick or TWEET
What does a panda ghost eat? A: Bam-BOO
What pants do ghosts wear? A: Boo-jeans
What kind of TV is in a haunted house? A: A wide-SCREAM
What did the pumpking put on his boo-boo? A: A pumpkin PATCH
WHy didn't the skeleton want to dance? A: Because he had NO-body to dance with
Why did the little ghost cry? A: Because he wanted his MUMMY
What do you call a nervous witch? A: A T-WITCH
How do ghosts like their eggs? A: Terror-fried
What kind of streets do zombies live on? DEAD-ENDS
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Pumpkin Patch
So I free handed this scene, copying something my sister did years ago. It is a bunch of pumpkins, some with eyes and some with mouths, but they are all missing something. So in a bucket, there are the missing pieces. You can go on a hunt for these pieces, or have them in a bag to pick out or a whatever. Have the kids put the faces of the jack-o-lanterns together and at the end, you have a cute little spooky pumpkin patch scene. Happy Halloween!
autumn leaves
So the leaves have so many uses. You can use these so many ways. How I used them, I put them in a bucket and then I let a helper spill them out all over the floor. Then the helper "raked" the scattered pile and then I asked them to pick ONE up. On the back of the leaves are a variety of songs, program review, seasonal songs (Leaves Are Lalling All Around, Autumn Time, Five Little Pumpkins), & I also put questions on the back about school or the season that didn't have any song at all. The kids thought this was fun. Each time I scooped them up and let the kids dump them out. We are starting to have many leaves all on the ground and so it was an appropriate one to do last week! The leaves were free handed...using contruction paper and sharpie markers, really easy. I laminated them so they would last.
Love Halloween
I love putting spins on songs in the primary book. Some might find this a bit sacreligious for primary but I did last year and didn't get in trouble, so I am doing it again. I LOVE the song
(it has so many ways to spin it!)
So I just printed Halloween clip art, laminted it and glued it to a stick. Put the sticks in a bucket and the kids pick out a stick and sing HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT
GHOST: If You're a Ghost and you know it , then say BOO. BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Witch: If A Witch makes you laugh, say HEE, HEE, HEE. HEE, HEE, HEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monster: If you're a monster and you know it, ROAR. ROOOOOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
BLACK CAT: If you're afraid of black cats, say MEOW. MEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SKELETON: If you think skeletons are cool, wiggle your bones (have them stand and shake)
The kids think this is hilarious. I find this a fun way to celebrate the season and what kid isn't totally ecstatic that Halloween is on the way? I know I am excited about it! So call me a big kid!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Put the Scarecrow Together
This is a pretty cute scarecrow. It would work like a puzzle. Songs on back or ways to sing songs on back. Hide the pieces around the room and see if the kids can put him right!
Jeopardy Review
So this game can be used at any time. But I thought it was a cute and clever idea for program review. There are 6 categories. Divide the primary into 2 halves.
Here are the categories
FILL IN BLANK (30 pts)
So the songs go in the categories. These things are magentic and so they are up so the kids can chose. They can go easy or hard.
Otherwise Know As (describe the song like a riddle and have them guess it)
Scrambled Title (mix up letter and have them guess the title)
Next Line (either say and line and as for the following line or sing, have pianist stop and have the helper say the next line)
Actions Speak Louder Than Words (describe a popular wiggle song with actions, guess and sing it)
Picture This (gospel art picture of main idea of a song, have them guess what song the picture represents)
Fill In The Blank (take a line from the song, and have a blank in it that has to be filled)
Primary Singing Stars
I thought I would reward the kids this week. They are working so hard at knowing the program songs. It can get really stale week after week of singing the same 8 songs (to death). So I told them if they sang the songs great, they'd get a few STAR BURSTS for being singing stars.
I made several signs on sticks this week to spice it. I love the STOP AND GO, one side stop the other go, a helper holds it and flips it. But I did LOUD/SOFT. I did opera/country twang. I did mouth the words/sing like angels. Stand up/sit down. Each song was different and it kept things a little more lively than just singing it straight!
Monday, August 27, 2012
5 Little Pumpkins...
Yes.... fall is almost here. Last year, I taught the kids this song and they LOVED it. I will be resurrecting it soon as autumn is on its way.
I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW AND WHAT DID I SEE? (use hands like glasses)
5 LITTLE PUMPKINS STARING BACK AT ME (hold up 5 fingers and point to yourself)
A PUMPKIN PATCH RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES (hold up 5 fingers and point to eyes)
I CAN TAKE A PUMPKIN AND CARVE IT OUT (mold arms in a circle and pretend to carve)
GIVE IT 2 EYES (hold up 2 fingers and point to eyes)
A NOSE (point to nose)
A MOUTH (point to mouth)
5 LITTLE PUMPKINS STARING BACK AT ME (hold up 5 fingers and point to yourself)
I love a spin on an oldie but goodie!
I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW AND WHAT DID I SEE? (use hands like glasses)
5 LITTLE PUMPKINS STARING BACK AT ME (hold up 5 fingers and point to yourself)
A PUMPKIN PATCH RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES (hold up 5 fingers and point to eyes)
I CAN TAKE A PUMPKIN AND CARVE IT OUT (mold arms in a circle and pretend to carve)
GIVE IT 2 EYES (hold up 2 fingers and point to eyes)
A NOSE (point to nose)
A MOUTH (point to mouth)
5 LITTLE PUMPKINS STARING BACK AT ME (hold up 5 fingers and point to yourself)
I love a spin on an oldie but goodie!
I am thinking of ways to jazz up review time. Really...it can get so boring and tiresome. I myself get bored of singing the same songs over and over.
Saw this on a blog and morphed it as I didn't want to bring in brownies for all 150 of my primary kids. Not to mention, I think that would be a big NO NO with the presidency. However, I did get permission to bring in small treats. So what to replace brownies? UM STARBURSTS.
How do you become a primary singing super star? Well there is a recipe of course. So you have an apron, and a table with ingredients. You can have the kids add things like sugar, glitter, words of scritpures, volume, ect... The ingredients could be real or fake or a combination of real and fake. Each ingredient is a song and it will have a component they need to work on for that one. Like for volume, choose the program song they need a little more umph in, or for sugar, the song that needs to sound sweet, ect! At the end, you pull out your cookie sheet of bright star burst. They each get a piece of candy at the end.
Saw this on a blog and morphed it as I didn't want to bring in brownies for all 150 of my primary kids. Not to mention, I think that would be a big NO NO with the presidency. However, I did get permission to bring in small treats. So what to replace brownies? UM STARBURSTS.
How do you become a primary singing super star? Well there is a recipe of course. So you have an apron, and a table with ingredients. You can have the kids add things like sugar, glitter, words of scritpures, volume, ect... The ingredients could be real or fake or a combination of real and fake. Each ingredient is a song and it will have a component they need to work on for that one. Like for volume, choose the program song they need a little more umph in, or for sugar, the song that needs to sound sweet, ect! At the end, you pull out your cookie sheet of bright star burst. They each get a piece of candy at the end.
Another spoof off a TV show. Bring a swivel chair from home, or borrow one from one of the bishop's offices. Invite a guest judge into primary. You may have them dress up like a celebrity...or something different or special, to get their attention. The goal is to get the judge to swivel around. They will not be facing the audience. We sing each primary song and until the judge swivels, we have to keep singing it. So it motivates the kids to sing their best so they can move on to the next song.
Are You Smarter Than The Chorister
This can be played similarly to stump the chorister. Or, you could have the pianist play and then stop. Can you sing the entire next phrase? If they can, they are smarter than the chorister. But if they need help. Then the chorister is smarter.
Ex: Choose the Right, when a choice is placed for you (pianist stops) The helper then has to say, IN IT'S LIGHT THE HOLY SPIRIT guides. ECT...
At the end, each child gets a SMARTIE for singing their brains out! :-)
Ex: Choose the Right, when a choice is placed for you (pianist stops) The helper then has to say, IN IT'S LIGHT THE HOLY SPIRIT guides. ECT...
At the end, each child gets a SMARTIE for singing their brains out! :-)
Stump the Chorister
I saw this idea somewhere and thought it was very cute and SIMPLE. We are in review mode...how to jazz that up. Well get your primary song book. Call on a helper. Have the helper flip to any song in the book. If the chorister knows it and can sing a little of it, she/he wins and gets to choose what the kiddos sing, if the chorister can't sing it, the helper gets to choose.
Primary Grammys
So this is one of my favorite ideas of my sister's. This can be used over and over. In fact, my sister said she did this often because the kids begged for it. So I have these award envelopes. The inside is something that is just taped inside, can be torn out and replaced with new songs.
Here is how this works. At the beginning of singing time, you hand one envelope or two out to each class with a pencil. Together as a class, they read the inside and vote and seal it and give it back. I then collect the envelopes when the voting is done. Then the pianist gives a fake drum roll and we annouce the winners. We have to sing the winning song. Now the winner of the categories could end up being the same song or different. Just depends how the voting goes. Here are the categories:
Most OVERSUNG program song: list primary program songs, class circles.
Favorite program song: Again, this could be the same as the most oversung song
Least Favorite Song: Can I vote...I have a few. HA HA!
The Song We Sing The Best
The Song we Know the Least and sing the Worst
**** Bonus Category: Favorite Silly Song...I gave them a list of silly songs to choose from like POPCORN, WISE MAN, ect...
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